
It seems we’re spoiled for contests at the moment, for no sooner do we get the Real World +200 Years Starfighter Contest but FBTB.net drops their Star Wars micro/midi contest. The goal here is to build a Star Wars MOC in either the “microfighter” style of pocket-money LEGO sets; or in “midi-scale”. This latter is particularly interesting as there were only ever 2 official LEGO sets in the midi-scale line, which is a shame because it’s pretty neat; sitting kind of between microscale and mini-fig scale. Let’s look at some highlights:


My eye was immediately drawn to this model of the outrider by foxprimus101, a subject that’s always appealed (this isn’t Dash Rendar’s, it’s one from Rebels apparently). The builder has made good use of the new 4×4 macaroni tiles to give a nice smooth curve to the main hull, although the eye on the front of the cockpit is a bit weird. There were printed pieces on the official midi-scale Falcon set, but they must be pretty rare.

Midi Slave 1

You can’t go wrong with Slave 1, and this is a sweet midi-scale rendition by Januarybegan. Interestingly, it seems to use very similar construction techniques as the big UCS model, and pretty much the same colours throughout. You can imagine a printed 1×2 tile with the unlucky Han Solo to put in the hold.


Lastly this V-22 Torrent by Bartosz Sasiński is excellent and uses some awesome techniques to build the colour blocking across the wings, as well as some judicious use of stickers. I can’t work out what piece he’s used for the cockpit but it’s a very clever construction (and possibly quite fragile!).

Head on over to FBTB.net and vote for your favourites.

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